
The Best Football Tactics Explained 

Understanding football tactics can make watching games more exciting as you see the strategy behind every move. Football tactics explained can enhance your enjoyment of the sport, whether you’re a fan or a coach. 

In this article, we cover the basics of football tactics, look at common team formations, and highlight the strategies used in some of the game’s greatest achievements. 

Historical Overview of Football Tactics

Football tactics have a rich history, tracing back to the early days of the sport when strategies were simple and straightforward. 

Initially, football was more about physical endurance and individual skill than about complex tactical planning. However, as the sport evolved, so did the strategies employed by teams to win matches.

19th and early 20th centuries

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, teams typically employed a formation known as the 2-3-5, also known as the “Pyramid.” This formation featured two defenders, three midfielders, and five forwards. 

It was heavily focused on attacking, reflecting the offensive mindset of that era. The emphasis was on scoring goals rather than preventing them, leading to high-scoring games.

1920s and 1930s

The 1920s and 1930s saw the introduction of more defensive tactics, notably the “WM” formation created by Arsenal’s manager, Herbert Chapman. This strategy was a response to the changing rules that allowed more forward passes. 

The WM formation had three defenders, two midfielders in a W shape, and five forwards in an M shape, offering a more balanced approach between defense and attack.


One of the most significant tactical revolutions in football history came from the Netherlands and was called “Total Football.”

Pioneered by Rinus Michels and showcased brilliantly by Ajax and the Dutch national team in the 1970s, Total Football was a fluid system where players could switch positions seamlessly. 

This approach requires players to be versatile, as they need to effectively attack and defend regardless of their starting positions.

21st century

Football tactics continued to evolve into the 21st century, with teams like Pep Guardiola’s Barcelona implementing a possession-based style known as “Tiki-Taka.” 

This strategy focused on maintaining ball possession, precise passing, and movement, creating spaces to disrupt the opposition’s formation.


Basic Principles

At its core, football game plans are about organizing a team to maximize its strengths and minimize weaknesses, both individually and collectively.  Also, you can read about football philosophy.

Here are some fundamental principles of all football tactics:


This is how players are arranged on the field. You’ve probably heard terms like 4-4-2 or 3-5-2 denote how many players are allocated to defense, midfield, and attack. 

For instance, in a 4-4-2 formation, there are four defenders, four midfielders, and two forwards. The right formation can make it difficult for a team to break down or provide it with potent attacking options.

Roles and Responsibilities 

Each player on the pitch has a specific role, depending on their position and the team’s strategy.

For example, a defender’s primary role is to prevent the opposing team from scoring, while a midfielder’s responsibilities might include supporting the defense, creating scoring opportunities, and maintaining possession. 

Attacking and Defending Phases

Football game plans also depend on whether the team has the ball (attacking phase) or the opponent has it (defending phase). 

In the attacking phase, tactics might focus on how to break down the opposition’s defense, using strategies like quick passes, wide plays, or long balls. 

In the defending phase, the focus shifts to regaining possession and stopping the opponents from scoring, which can be achieved through organized defense, pressing, or counter-attacks.


This refers to how a team switches between attack and defense. Good teams are efficient in transition, quickly turning defense into attack and vice versa. 

This ability can catch opponents off guard, creating opportunities to score or preventing them from settling into their attacking rhythm.

Space Utilization

Tactics are also about managing space – creating it when attacking and reducing it when defending. Teams might spread out wide to stretch the opponent’s defense or compact their players in a small area to deny space and passing options.

Analyzing Formations

In football, formations are the basic blueprint of players’ position on the pitch. Each formation has unique strengths and weaknesses, and coaches choose them based on their team’s playing style and opponents. 

4-4-2 Formation

This classic formation consists of 4 defenders, 4 midfielders, and 2 forwards. It’s known for its balance and versatility.

  • Strengths: Provides solid defense, good midfield coverage, and support for the strikers. It’s adaptable to both attacking and defensive playstyles.
  • Weaknesses: Can struggle against teams with an extra man in midfield, leading to being outnumbered and outplayed in the center.

4-3-3 Formation

Comprising 4 defenders, 3 midfielders, and 3 forwards, this formation is favored for its attacking potential.

  • Strengths: Offers width in attack, creating multiple scoring opportunities. The midfield trio can dominate the central area, blending defense and attack.
  • Weaknesses: Requires the forwards and midfielders to contribute defensively, or the team can be left vulnerable at the back, especially on the wings.

3-5-2 Formation

This setup includes 3 defenders, 5 midfielders, and 2 forwards. It’s a flexible formation that can be adjusted for more offense or defense.

  • Strengths: Midfield dominance is a key feature, providing numbers to control the game’s tempo. The additional midfielders can support both defense and attack.
  • Weaknesses: Teams with only three defenders can expose themselves on the flanks, heavily relying on midfielders to track back and assist in defense.

4-2-3-1 Formation

Features 4 defenders, 2 defensive midfielders, 3 attacking midfielders, and 1 striker. It’s a popular modern formation emphasizing midfield control and attacking versatility.

  • Strengths: Two-holding midfielders provide strong defensive support and allow creative freedom for the attacking midfielders. Advancing midfielders can support the lone striker.
  • Weaknesses: The lone striker may become isolated if the attacking midfielders don’t effectively link up play. Balancing attacking and defensive duties requires high energy and discipline from the midfield.

5-3-2 Formation

Consists of 5 defenders (including two wing-backs), 3 midfielders, and 2 forwards. It’s a defensively robust setup with counter-attacking potential.

  • Strengths: Very solid defensively, with five at the back providing a tough barrier to break down. Can transition quickly to attack, especially through the wing-backs.
  • Weaknesses: The team can be limited offensively, with fewer players in attacking positions. It risks being overly defensive and struggling to create scoring chances.

Tactics of Successful Teams

These examples show that different football strategies can succeed as long as they align with the team’s abilities and the team utilizes them effectively. The teams discussed are famous not just for winning but also for their creative and influential game plans:

FC Barcelona (2008-2012)

Under the guidance of Pep Guardiola, Barcelona adopted a 4-3-3 formation, emphasizing ball possession, short passing, and movement. This approach, often called Tiki-Taka, required players to maintain high-level technical skill, spatial awareness, and positional fluidity.

Barcelona dominated Spanish and European football, winning multiple La Liga titles and UEFA Champions League trophies. Their style not only brought them success but also influenced football tactics worldwide.

Leicester City (2015-2016)

Contrasting Barcelona’s style, Leicester City, under Claudio Ranieri, utilized a 4-4-2 formation, focusing on solid defense, quick counterattacks, and long balls aimed at their fast forwards. This approach capitalized on the strengths of key players like Jamie Vardy and Riyad Mahrez.

Defying odds of 5000-1, Leicester City won the Premier League in 2016, demonstrating that well-executed tactics could overcome the gap in individual player quality and financial resources.

Liverpool FC (2018-Present)

Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool employs a high-energy, pressing style known as Gegenpressing, where players aggressively win back possession shortly after losing it. Using a 4-3-3 formation, Liverpool’s approach emphasizes speed, intensity, and forward thrust.

This tactic has been integral to Liverpool’s recent successes, including winning the Premier League and the UEFA Champions League. Their ability to unsettle opponents and create scoring opportunities through relentless pressing has been key to their achievements.

Italy National Team (Euro 2020)

Italy, under Roberto Mancini, showcased flexibility in tactics throughout the tournament. They adapted their 4-3-3 formation to counteract their opponents’ strengths. They combined a solid defensive structure, creative midfield play, and effective use of wide areas.

Italy’s tactical adaptability and cohesion led them to win Euro 2020, demonstrating the importance of tactical awareness and the ability to adjust strategies mid-game or mid-tournament.


Football isn’t just about physical ability; it’s also about smart strategies that make teams win. In this article, we’ve explored how tactics shape football, from historical strategies to modern formations and the tactics of winning teams.

Understanding tactics makes watching football more interesting, as you start to see the game plan behind every move on the pitch. It adds depth to your football experience, whether you’re a fan or an aspiring coach.


What are football tactics❓

Football tactics are the strategies and plans that teams use to play and win games. Players’ positioning, movement, and teamwork on the field comprise the essential aspects.

What is a football formation❓

A football formation arranges players on the pitch, typically described by three numbers representing defenders, midfielders, and forwards, like 4-4-2, indicating four defenders, four midfielders, and two forwards.

Why do teams change their formations❓

Teams change formations to adapt to different opponents, to utilize their players’ strengths, or to address weaknesses. The right formation can help a team be more effective in attacking or defending.

What is a successful football tactic❓

Barcelona’s Tiki-Taka is a famous tactic where players use quick passes and maintain possession to control the game and create scoring opportunities. It helped Barcelona win numerous titles.

How do tactics impact a football game❓

Good tactics can lead a team to victory, even against stronger opponents.